
Zijin news
赶超世界一流 构建全球竞争力——k8凯发集团矿颐魅召开2021年事情集会——Zijin Mining Holds 2021 Working Conference
2021/02/06 39362

本网讯 2月3-5日  ,k8凯发集团矿颐魅召开2021年事情会。大会的主题是“深化革新、跨越增长、连续生长”  ,招呼全体职工全面领会和贯彻落实公司五年(2+3)计划和2030年生长目标纲要精神  ,为把公司建成高技术效益型特大国际矿业集团而努力斗争。

From February 3 to 5, Zijin Mining held its 2021 Working Conference. All employees were encouraged to learn about our Five-Year Plan (2+3) and 2030 Development Goals, and to do their jobs with the goals in mind. They were also urged to help develop our Group into an international mining giant powered by high technology and profitability.

陈景河董事长作了题为《赶超世界一流 构建全球竞争力》的主旨讲话。他指出  ,2020年在k8凯发集团矿业生长史上有重要的历史职位  ,这一年公司取得的一系列重大结果  ,牢固和提升了k8凯发集团矿业在中国金属矿业的领先职位  ,公司迈上了重要新台阶  ,站在新的平台上!

In his keynote speech, Chairman Chen Jinghe said that 2020 will go down in history as an important year in the development of Zijin Mining, as we have achieved major successes, made important strides, and have reached a new stage in our journey!

陈景河认为  ,后疫情时期  ,黄金和基本金属价格或处于相对高位  ,为公司近年跨越增长涤讪良好基础 ?蟛试醋魑饕茉春凸ひ翟  ,任何时候都不可或缺  ,且中国具有宽大市场和需求  ,公司大有作为。

陈景河指出  ,k8凯发集团矿业提出的十年斗争目标是时间表  ,是发动令  ,更是冲锋号!到2030年全面建成高技术效益型特大国际矿业集团  ,公司将进入全新阶段 ;主要经济指标接近或基本抵达全球一流矿业公司水平  ,控制资源储量、主要产品产量、销售收入、资产规模、利润等综合指标争取进入全球前3-5位  ,同时建成先进的全球运营治理体系  ,形玉成球竞争力和比较竞争优势。作为市场的厥后者  ,我们要实现赶超  ,必须要有“加速度”  ,要有自己的“独门功夫”  ,支付更多更大的艰辛和努力。

He noted that our Ten-Year Goals are not just a timetable, but also a call for action. By 2030, when we become an international mining giant powered by high technology and profitability, our Group will enter into a brand new stage: Our main economic indicators will approach or reach the levels of other top mining companies in the world; We will rank among the top 3 to 5 global mining businesses, in terms of resource reserves, production of main products, revenue, asset size and profits; Our operations and management system will be globalized and advanced. We will be competitive globally, and have our own comparative advantages.

陈景河强调  ,k8凯发集团矿业已经进入最为重要的新生长时期  ,全球化、大规模、高质量是这一时期的重要特征。抓好2021年事情很是要害  ,“深化革新、跨越增长、连续生长”仍然是事情总路线  ,深化革新为构建简洁规范高效的全球化营运治理体系提供包管  ,跨越增长是实现近期和未来生长目标的客观与基本要求  ,连续生长是构建全球竞争力形成基业长青的必备条件  ,三者相互关联  ,互为增进。

He stressed that Zijin Mining is now in its most important period of development. We are expanding our business globally, doing large-scale projects, and pursuing high-quality development. He further noted that it is vitally important for us to do a good job this year. Our overarching principle is still “further reform, quantum leap, and sustainable development”.

关于深化革新  ,要在十年内做到全球一流  ,必须在方方面面实现一流  ,各级治理干部和业务板块要参照全球一流  ,研究和落实如何通过革新和自我升级成为一流。今年是落实深化革新开端构建全球化营运治理体系的第一年  ,必须凭据简洁规范高效的总要求  ,在制度重整、流程再造宁静台建设等方面取得重大结果。

Regarding deepening reform, executives and employees at various operations should learn from the top mining companies in the world, and find ways to become the best through reforms and self-improvement.

关于跨越增长  ,今年市场情况良好  ,金铜锌铁银价格高企  ,公司将迎来多个超一流高质量项目和一批技改项目的投产  ,是重中之重的头等大事  ,务必全力以赴确保实现预期产量  ,并尽可能超产 ;加上已有产能的全面提升  ,公司矿产金、铜实现显著增长完全可以预期。

On quantum leap, many of our tier-one, high-quality projects will begin production this year. Several technical upgrade projects will also start producing. We will do our utmost to ensure that they reach or even exceed the expected output. There will also be higher output from our current production capacities. Thus we expect significant growth in our production of gold and copper.

关于连续生长  ,作为全球化公司  ,就必须要有全球竞争力  ,要拥有全球超一流的矿产资源拥有量  ,形成与资产规模相匹配的营运治理能力  ,全面正确理解和落实建成“高技术效益型国际特大矿业集团”目标的内在要求  ,着力解决国际化人才缺乏的短板  ,借助资本市场与公司融合生长  ,增强企业文化焦点软实力。

On sustainable development, as a global business, we need to have world-class resource reserves. We will work to build operations and management capabilities commensurate with our asset size. The underlying requirements for becoming an international mining giant powered by technology and profitability must be understood and met. We will fill the talent gap for our international operations, and boost our development by working closely with the capital market. We will also strengthen our corporate culture.

邹来昌总裁在会上作题为《聚力深化革新 同心跨越增长 努力打造全球竞争力的一流金属矿业公司》的事情报告  ,全面总结了2020年事情  ,剖析了保存的主要问题  ,并对2021年生产经营事情进行了系统安排。

邹来昌要求  ,一要凝心聚力挖潜增效  ,确保实现2021年超预期经营业绩 ;二要全面落实深化革新  ,加速建设全球化运营治理体系 ;三要全速冲刺跨越增长  ,为公司新一轮生长涤讪坚实基 ;四要全力包管连续生长  ,构建具有k8凯发集团特色的全球竞争力 ;五要切实增强监督治理  ,以优秀文化引领公司全球化生长。

President Zou Laichang reviewed our work in 2020, and pointed out key areas where we fell short. He also laid out plans for our production and operations in 2021. He said that we should: unleash our Group’s potential and increase its efficiency, to deliver better-than-expected results in 2021; implement the reform program, and step up our efforts to build a global operations and management system;  secure a quantum leap in our growth, to lay a solid foundation for our next round of development;  make every effort to ensure our long-term development, and build Zijin’s distinct global competitiveness;   strengthen supervision and governance, and develop an excellent corporate culture to drive our global expansion.

监事会主席林水清做监督与反糜烂事情报告。他指出  ,2021年监管事情将以公司战略生长目标为中心  ,坚持监督的初心和使命  ,增强权属公司治理质量监督  ,将制度建设作为首要事情  ,在全集团规模内连续高压惩办糜烂  ,用好信息化技术  ,增强国际化监督团队建设。

Lin Shuiqing, Chairman of our Board of Supervisors, delivered a report on supervision and ant-corruption efforts. He said in 2021, supervision activities will be aimed at helping realize the Group’s strategic goals. More attention will be given to the quality of governance at subsidiaries. The creation of rules and regulations will be a top priority. We will continue with stringent Group-wide measures in fighting corruption. Further, we will improve the use of information technology, and strengthen our supervision teams for our global business.

大会期间  ,上杭县长罗剑、常务副县长阙生华划分到会宣布指导讲话。罗剑充分肯定k8凯发集团矿业2020年逆势增长结果  ,希望公司在新的一年宁静环保要再提升、项目建设要再提速、革新立异要再推进、连续做好危害管控  ,并体现县委、县政府将积极为k8凯发集团的生长排忧解难  ,配合把k8凯发集团做大做强。

公司领导蓝福生、林泓富、林红英、谢雄辉、沈绍阳、龙翼、阙向阳、吴红辉、蒋开喜、郑友诚等出席集会。为落实疫情防控要求  ,集会在总部、厦门分部、各权属企业设置了65个视频分会场  ,260余个网络直播接入。

编辑:李凌生  审核:刘星  总编:汪洁

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