莫尔兹比港,巴布亚新几内亚(巴新),2020年10月17日周六 巴布亚新几内亚波格拉金矿的大都股东和运营商巴理克(新几内亚)有限公司(BNL),就BNL 和巴新政府关于就尽快重启波格拉矿山告竣双方可接受之计划的谈判状态,通告进展并作进一步澄清。
如10月15日联合新闻声明提到的,詹姆士马拉佩总理和巴理克CEO 马克布里索托就波格拉事宜在莫尔兹比港进行了富有效果的讨论。如总理所述,“我们已经原则上告竣了一致,巴布亚新几内亚将在新的安排下占有大都股权,BNL 将保存运营权,将会实现合理的经济利益分成。这是一个很是重要的进步,我期待着关于指导矿山未来运营的经济原则的进一步讨论结果”。
对BNL 来说,至关重要的事项包括:
■ 关于公正的经济利益分成(用以抵消巴新在新安排下所占的大都股权份额)的精确界定。BNL的立场是,所有的经济杠杆,包括税收,都必须考虑进去,以实现经济利益的公正合理分派,这就是同伴关系的界定。
■ BNL 认为,BNL 的特别采矿权(SML-1)是最合适的矿权,因为SML-1 已经拥有14个矿山运营必须的隶属权证、矿业开发条约(MDC)以及执法要求的矿山运营必须的所有其他证照、执照和协议。例如,BNL 拥有已经获得批准的情况许可,有效期至2038年,这是宁静和卖力任采矿作业的最重要文件之一。相反,宣布给库姆矿业控股有限公司(KMHL)的SML-11,没有任何隶属权证、MDC、许可、执照和协议,这些都需要花好几年才华获得。别的,BNL 和土田主也在巴新法院就该SML-11 的正当性提起了诉讼。
■ 双方同意,任何历史遗留问题将仅限于违反执法、条约或许可的行为,争议将凭据历史协议解决。
詹姆士马拉佩总理与恩加省长Peter Ipatas 今天在莫尔兹比港与巴理克黄金CEO 马克布里斯托碰面,讨论重启波格拉金矿的条款。
总理说:“我今天很兴奋能够与巴理克CEO 布里斯托先生及其团队会见,讨论重启波格拉金矿的要领。”
总理说:“我们已经原则上告竣了一致,巴布亚新几内亚将在新的安排下占有大都股权(a major share of equity),BNL 将保存运营权,将会实现合理的经济利益分成。这是一个很是重要的进步,我期待着关于指导矿山未来运营的经济原则的进一步讨论结果”。
巴理克CEO 马克布里斯托(今晚将离开巴新前往非洲),指出他将留下一个高级别的团队推进谈判。
布里斯托先生说,“我确信我的团队将会与由Issac Lupari大使担当主任的巴新国家谈判组一起努力,完玉成部商务细节。”
詹姆士马拉佩 马克布里斯托
总理 巴理克黄金公司总裁兼CEO
PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA (PNG) – SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER, 2020: Barrick (Niugini) Limited (“BNL”), the majority owner and operator of the Porgera gold mine in Papua New Guinea, offers the following update and clarification on the status of negotiations between BNL and the PNG Government to reach agreement on a mutually acceptable solution that would enable the reopening of Porgera mine at the earliest opportunity.
As noted in their Joint Media Statement of 15 October, Prime Minister James Marape and Barrick CEO Mark Bristow held fruitful discussions in Port Moresby that progressed the Porgera issue. As the Prime Minister noted, “We have agreed in principle that Papua New Guinea will take a major share of equity under the new arrangements and BNL will retain operatorship and there will be a fair sharing of the economic benefits. This is a very significant step forward and I look forward to hearing of the outcomes of further discussions on the economic principles to guide future mining operations.”
While the discussions represented a milestone as the first detailed negotiations between the two sides, significant issues remain to be agreed and finalized in a binding document. This is why, as stated in the Joint Media Statement, a team of Barrick senior executives have stayed in Port Moresby to work with the State Negotiation Team (SNT) “in finalising full commercial details”. A list of agreed principles, which differ in key respects from those disclosed by some on social media, was compiled to guide the negotiations going forward.
Matters of critical importance to BNL include:
■ The precise definition of the fair sharing of economic benefits to offset PNG taking a major share of equity under the new arrangements. BNL’s position is that all economic levers, including taxes, must be open to consideration to achieve a fair and equitable split of economic benefits, which is the definition of a partnership.
■ BNL maintains that the BNL Special Mining Lease 1 (SML 1) is the appropriate tenement because SML 1 already possesses the 14 associated tenements required for the mine to operate, a Mining Development Contract (MDC) and all of the other permits, licenses and agreements that are legally required to operate the mine. For instance, SML 1 has an approved Environmental Permit, one of the most important documents for safe and responsible mining, that is valid until 2038. By contrast, SML 11, purportedly granted to Kumul Mineral Holdings Limited (KMHL), possesses none of these associated tenements, MDC, permits, licences or agreements, which can take years to obtain, and, in addition, is having its legitimacy challenged in the PNG courts by both BNL and landowners.
■ The two sides agreed that any legacy issues would be limited to transgressions against law, contract or permit and that disputes would be resolved under historical agreements.
We are pleased that substantive negotiations have finally begun, and we are committed to working in good faith with the Prime Minister and the SNT to conclude a binding Framework Agreement that will resolve all major outstanding issues. With such an agreement in hand, the Government and BNL would be able to complete definitive agreements and start the prerequisite steps that would allow the process of resuming operations to begin.
Joint Media Statement
Positive Discussion between State and Barrick towards re-opening of Porgera Gold Mine
Prime Minister James Marape, together with Enga Provincial Governor Sir Peter Ipatas, met with Barrick Gold CEO Mark Bristow today in Port Moresby to discuss the terms of the re-opening of the Porgera Gold Mine.
Speaking in Port Moresby late today, Prime Minister Marape indicated that he was very happy with the discussions that had taken place.
“I was very pleased to be able to meet with Barrick CEO Mr Bristow and his team today to discuss a way forward in reopening the Porgera Gold Mine”, the Prime Minister said.
Discussions focused on mutually acceptable arrangements for a new Porgera partnership to reopen and operate the mine going into the future.
“We have agreed in principle that Papua New Guinea will take a major share of equity under the new arrangements and BNL will retain operatorship and there will be a fair sharing of the economic benefits. This is a very significant step forward and I look forward to hearing of the outcomes of further discussions on the economic principles to guide future mining operations”, the Prime Minister said.
Barrick CEO Mark Bristow, who departs PNG for Africa this evening noted that he is leaving behind a high-level team to progress negotiations.
“I am certain that my team will be able to work with the PNG State Negotiation Team, led by SNT Chairman Ambassador Isaac Lupari, in finalising full commercial details”, Mr Bristow said.
Prime Minister Marape and Mr Bristow have agreed to meet again in the coming weeks once negotiations conclude.
“I have full confidence that we will be able to broker an historic agreement that will provide a lasting legacy and enduring partnership that will benefit our nation for many years to come”, Prime Minister Marape said.
Hon. James Marape, MP Mark Bristow
Prime Minister President and CEO
Barrick Gold Corporation